November Astrological Events

November Astrological

The last Mercury retrograde of 2020 happened on November 3, 2020. With the constellations, the planets work with western astrology, and they have different symbols in what each of them mean.

This kind of astrology uses two moon nodes, the north and the south and the planets cause influence.

The astrological calendar is based on the orbit of the sun and the alignment of the stars. This is different than a horoscope because the monthly astrological signs are not specific, and they cannot cause you to feel the effect of them each month.

November 6: Mercury in Libra and Saturn in Capricorn

When this combination happens, it can cause you to think negatively. It can cause you to have an open mind, but you need to be careful of what you are saying to people.

November 10: Mercury Re-enters Scorpio

When this happens, communication is important. Talk deeply with family and friends. Ask them to meet with you and grow your relationship. Talk to a psychic so they can give you a clear mind.

November 14: New Moon in Scorpio

When this happens, care for yourself. Take a self-care day and do something like go to the spa. Live the best life that you can.

November 21: Sun Entering Sagittarius

This is a time where you need to learn new things. Go away for a little bit and take a vacation somewhere you have never been.

November 21: Venus into Scorpio

When you travel, do it now. Sign up for a workout class. Do what you can to be fit. Experience new things and make sure that you keep your bills up to date.

Do not make a business venture at this time and do not do anything that requires that you spend a lot of money.

Talk to your business partner so that you don’t have a fight. Don’t ignore red flags in any of your relationships.

November 30: Full Moon into Gemini

The end of the month means that you need to make sure that you communicate with your siblings.

Make big changes in your life and make sure that you are living in the now and that you are making good choices in your life.


  1. The recommendation to avoid major financial ventures when Venus enters Scorpio on November 21, 2020, is sensible. It’s prudent to be cautious with money during uncertain times.

  2. The alignment of Mercury in Libra and Saturn in Capricorn on November 6, 2020, suggests a time for cautious communication. It’s an interesting perspective on how planetary positions can influence our mindset.

  3. The advice to engage deeply with family and friends when Mercury re-enters Scorpio is noteworthy. It emphasizes the importance of meaningful conversations and strengthening relationships.

  4. The suggestion to focus on self-care during the New Moon in Scorpio on November 14, 2020, is a practical reminder. It’s essential to take time for personal well-being amidst our busy lives.

  5. The guidance provided for the Sun entering Sagittarius encourages learning and exploration. Taking a vacation to a new place can indeed be a rejuvenating experience.


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